Self-actualized more in the real world of nature than in the man-made mass of concepts, abstractions, expectations, beliefs, and stereotypes that most people confuse with the world.
What were the chances that spirituality would become a commercial thing that would appease the masses and climb to their level of beliefs and values? Despite the numerous contextual ideologies thrown at branding and mass marketing, modern methodologies relate to assessing the psyche of consumers and meeting them at their intellectual juncture.
The meaning of religious spirituality has transitioned towards a more self-actualized feeling for millennials. It is communicated to brands who incessantly seek their attention and validation. It is a tug-of-war between materialism and purpose, in which the latter is poised to win.
Marketing and branding seem strange places to bring a discourse like spirituality. Brands have evolved to a level where they have diversified their business model to procure people’s loyalty. The people, who are on the quest to be in the community witness atypical creativity, find a transforming social sphere and identify the purpose.
In the face of constant perils such as a climate emergency and living with affliction, hope is eroding fast. But the GEN Z among these people’s segment wants brands to show their determined front to project realities that still hold a glimmer of hope. Labels don’t do justice in the modern context to the idea of inclusivity.
The Springtide Research Institute revealed that 71% of millennials have nuanced ideologies around faith and that labels do not satisfy these cohorts. They construct their personal form of faith to connect and disavow the traditional meaning of spirituality. Hence, the theory of Collective Effervescence goes around in circles for brands to let their faithful followers correlate.

A French sociologist coined the phrase Collective Effervescence— Emile Durkheim. A concept that conveys the feeling of oneness that brands wish to achieve with their target audiences and even the masses. The in-person experience of a person with a brand makes all the difference. Hence, the retail design industry stands right above this concept.
Creating ambiance, designing a vibe, and demonstrating values that directly touch the psyche of self-actualized people are how the mark will be made. Since design is about creating human-centric experiences, the community should be at the crux of it. If the cafes in Japan are doing that, so can the retail brands.
That’s probably why the interiors of a wellness space are gradually entering the spaces of product-based brands. It’s the feeling that will unite businesses with people.